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Concentrate Target and Text for Text Classification in Bert

We can input a text sequence to bert model for classification. However, if this text sequence has a target text or object, how to use bert?

For example:

a document has a title, we need to use title and document content for document classification.

In aspect-level sentiment analysis, a sententce has an aspect, we should use aspect and sentence for sentiment classification.

In document review sentiment analysis, we may use a user and his document for sentiment classification.

Here title, aspect and user is our target.

In article: An Introduction to Bert Combine Multiple Features to Classification we can get a method to solve this problem.

How to combine multiple features with Bert for document classification?

We can concentrate target and text for bert. As figure above, we can use title + text for bert classification.

In the same way, we can use aspect+sentence or user+document for classification in bert.

However, paper UserIdentifier: Implicit User Representations for Simple and Effective Personalized Sentiment Analysis gives us more detail.

As to user, how can we use a text sequence to represent a user? User id or username?

Concentrate Target and Text for Text Classification in Bert

This paper proposed some ways to encode a user. They are:

  • username
  • a unique number, from 1 to N
  • L independent and identically distributed samples from the set of digits (0 to 9) 
  • L Random sequence of tokens with nonalphanumeric characters
  • Random sequence of all tokens (Rand. All): This scenario draws L i.i.d samples from the set of all available tokens in the tokenizer vocabulary. 

Note: L length sequence is generated through uniformly sampling from the tokenizer vocabulary.

From the result, we can find: Rand.All is the best, L = 10.

The result of user target in bert

Note: Although we can train N user embedding, N is the number of user count. However, it is worse than method above.

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