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Computing the Coefficient Between Parent Node and Child Nodes

In NLP, as to graph-structured data, we have to answer this question: How to get the current node output based on its neighborhood?

In paper: Graph Attention Networks proposed a method to answer this question.

How to get the current node output based on its neighborhood?

Usually, we may compute the attention score of the current node’s neighborhood, then add it to the current node.

For example:

How to get the current node output based on its neighborhood?

Here the current node is \(C\). Its vector is \(v_c\).

\(g\), \(f\) and \(e\) are its neighborhood. The vectors of their are \(v_g\), \(v_f\) and \(v_e\).

In order to get the output of \(C\), we can compute the attention score of \(g\), \(f\) and \(e\)  based on \(v_c\) to get \(a_1\), \(a_2\) and \(a_3\).

Then we can add \(v_g\), \(v_f\) and \(v_e\) based on attention score to get output \(v_{gfe}\).

Finally, the final output of node \(C\) is:

\(o_c = v_c+v_{bef}\)

However, in paper: Graph Attention Networks, we will use a different method. It will create a virtual parent node to compute final output.

Graph Attention

The graph attention looks like:

graph attention structure

The key point is to computing the coefficient of current node and its neighborhood.

computing the coefficient of current node and its neighborhood in graph structure

\(a_{ij}\) is the graph attention. However, we should notice: the parent node and its neighborhood share the same weight \(W\).

The current node output is:

The current node output in graph structure

We also can use multi-head attention to improve the efficiency of graph attention. 

The current node output with multi-head attention in graph structure

However, we shoul notice: we will average the \(k\) output to get the final output in the final layers.

the final output in graph attention networks

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